Here's some of my relief printing, block/lino, printing from a home made hydraulic printing press using oil based inks.

Initially I was encouraged to "have a go" with the support of the Age UK initiative, supported by Leicester City Council, and hosted by Leicester Print Workshop.



As well as being just plain fun. it has also bee quite personal.


"Banks' Mills " was for the 2020 International Print Exchange.


The printmaking men print, well, obvious I suppose, but I wanted to show the activity and the references to the supporting organisations, Age UK, supported by Leicester City Council, and hosted by Leicester Print Workshop.


The nude, Joceline, is a fantastic model I’ve had the pleasure to work with, going back some seven years, and she appears in my photographic work on this site. I wanted a simplistic angular shape result.


The horse, Leo, my 7/8 thoroughbred (currently being nursed with an infected eye), again identifying and deploying simple shapes, and showing, I hope, his sense of fun. 

And the cat, Grey, an ex farm cat who was as soft as anything, with no interest in hunting (sadly now passed away but always in our memories), and playing with a more furry approach!



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